To celebrate its 60th anniversary, diptyque invites you to discover the Pop-up Le Grand Tour.
Embark on a journey of the senses with diptyque. Engaging all your senses, the Grand Tour will transport you from Occident to Orient, giving you fresh perspectives on far-off places.

Departing to discover other places. Expanding your vision. Regarding the world with curiosity. Seeing far and seeing differently. These different ways of looking at the world have shaped diptyque since its creation. To mark its sixtieth anniversary, the Maison is celebrating them with the Grand Tour: Window into other places, from the West to the East, a journey through five emblematic cities of diptyque, which awaken to cultures.

Immerse yourself in other cultures. Here’s a new combination to broaden your perspectives. That’s been diptyque’s approach for sixty years, and it’s the experience on offer today from the Grand Tour imagined by the Maison. Concluding the fourth phase of the year, it takes the form of a pop-up: an interactive capsule in which time and space are suspended, celebrating and bringing together, within an unprecedented framework, the destinations that have inspired diptyque and its perfumed creations. From Paris to Kyoto, the route is clear, guided by the coloured, undulating contours of a large drape in golden hues. All you need to do is follow, with all your senses alert.

10 Sept./03 Oct. 2021
東京都 渋谷区 神宮前 5-10-1 GYRE 1階
1st Floor GYRE
5-10-1 Jingumae
Shibuya-ku Tokyo

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オルフェオン :
A scent in a song

diptyqueが発表する新作オー ド パルファン オルフェオン(Orphéon)は、

diptyqueは才能あふれるシンガーソングライター ルイス・オフマンを招聘しました。
ムービー「A Scent in a Song」の中で、調香師 オリヴィエ・ペシューと
ミュージシャン ルイス・オフマンはオルフェオンにインスパイアされた曲を共同制作。

Lewis OfMan Olivier Pescheux